Tuesday 5 October 2010


Today I have been looking at different styles of documentaries and trying to incorporate elements of them all. Firstly I looked at 'Super Size Me' - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N5i-0t8m94
I felt this was a good example to go by as the film revolves around the director, making himself the test subject. I also intend on doing that but with the help of others.
I also felt 'Super Size Me' was useful as it gets a professional's opinion on the subject of the documentary, I could also do this with all my volunteers. This however could be hard as doctors are often busy and may stop one of the volunteers from taking part.
'Super Size Me' also gave us the idea of a time scale to use, we have decided therefore that the half term coming up will be the best time to film our documentary.

Next I looked at the idea of having a documentary without words. I however felt this would be too hard to make, follow and edit. So I am planning on sticking with the idea of 'Super Size Me'.

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